Sunday, July 10, 2011

Weight Management Solutions

Weight Management

The Problem (It may not be your fault you are overweight.)
Today over 1 billion people worldwide are overweight. High calorie, nutrient deficient foods, as well as physical inactivity, contribute to sluggish metabolisms. Sluggish metabolisms combined with poor digestion and poor elimination can creates a toxic environment in our bodies. Those toxins get stored in our fat cells and lymph system. This vicious cycle can lead to increased fat storage and insulin resistance which only compounds the weight problem. The bottom line is, for most people, losing weight is almost an impossible task and it’s probably not your fault!
The Real Problem (Why most diets fail)
It is a sad fact that 98% of all diets and dieters fail. Why? Simply put, almost all diets are based solely on deprivation and therefore CAN NOT be sustained. Calorie control is only 1 part of successful weight management program. In addition you need cleansing, lean tissue support, blood sugar stabilization, increased metabolism, appetite control, vitamin/mineral supplementation and Energy Enhancement products.
The Reality ( Weight Management Your life does depend on it.)
With every additional pound and every day of inactivity, comes increased risk to your health. The fact is if you are overweight, we don’t need a “crystal ball” to predict your future. Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Hypertension and about 5 different types of Cancer have all been directly linked to being overweight.
If you are overweight, by losing just 10% of your body’s body fat and walking 2 miles a day and you will cut your risk of death due to weight-related disease in half!
The Solution (The end of "yo-yo" dieting!)
The DrinkACT Game On Weight Management System is a comprehensive 3 phase program.
Game On The first phase is called Ignite and that’s exactly what it does. Ignite is a 7 day program that flips your bodies metabolitic switch. It is a deep cleansing program that supports your bodies lean muscle while quickly moving you from "fat storing" mode to "fat burning" mode, turning your body into a fat burning machine. Using the GAME ON SYSTEM™ Ignite Program is a fantastic way to shed pounds and inches quickly, simply & easily.
After you have completed the 7 day Ignite program, you should continue using the Game On System to mazimize healthy weight loss. During Phase 2 the DrinkACT Game On System will continue to support your lean tissue while supplying the proper nourishment including fiber that your body needs. Additionally, the Game On System is designed to themogenically boast your metabolism, help with sugar cravings and appetite control plus, give you virtually unlimited amounts of healthy, sustainable energy!
Phase 3 is designed to breakthrough any plateau that jeopardizes your weight loss success! If you hit a plateau before you reach your desired goal weight, you can simply “Re-Ignite” your metabolism by doing the GAME ON SYSTEM™ Ignite Program again. Once you reach your goal weight you can be confident that GAME ON™ will keep you there. Continued use of the program, along with exercise can change your body’s “Set Point” and eliminate "Yo-Yo" dieting by building your most important fat burning asset; your lean muscle tissue!

Learn more Click Here
