Saturday, July 2, 2011


What does A.C.T. mean?

(A)dvanced (C)ellular (T)herapy

Yes, the healthy A.C.T.™ energy drinks contain a proprietary energy blend designed to speed-up your own metabolism with natural and whole food ingredients such as Guarana, Green Tea, Panax Ginseng, and Maca Root.

The A.C.T.™ drinks also contain Fibersol-2, which is a natural, safe, and healthy source of soluble fiber that is known to support and promote healthy weight loss.

The drinks can be added to your healthy weight loss program, which should include a sensible diet and exercise.

Each energy drink A.C.T. beverage contain:

- HALF THE SALT and more
- 100% NATURAL


Antioxidant Vitamins:

What Are Antioxidants?
The National Academy of Sciences identifies a dietary antioxidant as “a substance in foods that significantly decreases free radicals (e.g. reactive oxygen), and reactive nitrogen substances (e.g. N-nitroso compounds). Vitamins C and E are well-known antioxidants. As part of a well-balanced diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, daily intake of at least 400 UG of folic acid, 3 mg of vitamin B6, and 5 UG of vitamin B12 may reduce the risk of vascular disease.

What ingredients in the A.C.T.™ energy drinks have antioxidant properties?
The antioxidant vitamins in the A.C.T.™ drinks are vitamin C, B3, B6 and B12. Guarana, Green Tea, Panax Ginseng, Maca Root, and the fruit juice crystals are all whole-food sources of antioxidants as well.

What are some of the structure functions of antioxidants?
  1. Antioxidants support and promote cellular longevity.
  2. Antioxidants promote healthy cardiovascular function.
  3. Antioxidants promote healthy immune system function.
  4. Antioxidants support and promote healthy eye function.

Potassium is an electrolyte, one of the essential minerals that your body requires for proper metabolism and energy use. The transfer of energy and electricity between neurons and other cells depends on a proper balance of potassium on both sides of the cell wall. In practical terms, potassium is needed to help your body regulate blood pressure, convert glucose to glycogen, and maintain healthy kidneys, heart and liver, as well as helping to lower the risk of stroke.

What is the definition of an essential nutrient?

In addition to supplying energy and raw materials for metabolism, a person’s diet must also supply certain substances in a pre-assembled form. Nutrients that a human requires but cannot make are known as “essential nutrients.” Missing just one of these essential nutrients puts the body into a state of being malnourished.

What potassium does:

Potassium helps regulate muscle contractions – including heart contractions – through a series of complex chemical and electrical interactions. Because it helps the body to handle sodium, potassium helps maintain blood pressure within acceptable ranges. It also is a catalyst in numerous metabolic processes that keep the body working properly. Potassium citrate helps to metabolize calcium by the body, helps maintain healthy kidneys, and promotes proper bone health.
Where does potassium come from?

Potassium is found in numerous food sources, including bananas, orange juice, potatoes, dried apricots, whole grains, meat, fish, and dairy products.

What are the health benefits of potassium?
  1. Potassium promotes and maintains healthy blood pressure.
  2. Potassium supports a healthy cardiovascular system.
  3. Potassium promotes healthy bones.
  4. Potassium promotes healthy muscle function.
  5. Potassium promotes healthy lung function.
  6. Potassium promotes healthy kidney function.

Here are some key points about the “Fibersol-2” (natural Maltodextrin).
  1. Fibersol-2 has been safely used in foods worldwide for more than 10 years.
  2. Fibersol-2 helps maintain normal, healthy levels of serum cholesterol and blood triglycerides.
  3. Fibersol-2 helps maintain normal, healthy blood glucose levels.
  4. Fibersol-2 helps maintain normal, healthy intestinal regularity.
  5. Fibersol-2 helps maintain normal, healthy intestinal microflora.
  6. Fibersol-2 falls under the GRAS rules of the FDA (Generally Regarded as Safe).
Do the A.C.T.™ energy drinks use any artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners?

NO, all flavors, sweeteners, and colors are a natural result of all-natural ingredients.

Get started with Drink A.C.T. NOW by clicking HERE 
