Sunday, July 10, 2011

55 Million people Work From Home using Direct Sales as a career

Business Is Booming 

Here are 4 reasons why Direct Sales are booming:

1- Mouth to Mouth Advertising
2- Home Based Business Boom
3- Low Risk, High Return
4- No Experience Required as you are attributed a live coach throughout the development of your business.

We are in the information age and networking is the beginning of everything in life.

Let me show you what I mean: 
We are in networking mode when we tell our friends that the Redbull or Rockstar is on special at the grocerie store.

We are in networking mode in social circles and environements:
Example: In social events , gatherings, at the office, your neighbour.. we always know someone who can do this and that for you or someone else. - This is networking and the list could go on and on ... 

 How does information circulate? 

- Online: arborescence factor: The massive multiplicity effect using social networks such as Twitter, Myspace, Linkedin, websites, forums, chat rooms ...

This is a graphic of a company ex : Redbull who distributes: From their factory to their distribution warehouses.  Then from the warehouse to the consumers hands - You thaught something else, didn't you ? 
This is simply called a distribution network. Perhaps it's time you get introduced to direct selling.
Just like every type of business, adjustments needed to be made in order for the companies to remain in business. Today, 55 000 000 people are succeeding as self employed distributors for any type of  product.

Direct selling is not the job of the futur. It's the job of the present !!! For those who want to start a home based business, franchises go for as low as 249$.
Do you see the possibilities now? How a low cost investment in the most dominating industry on the planet could bring you with live coaching?

Our names are Valérie Miyamoto in partnership with Michel Sirois, your coaches and we'll be glad to walk you through your business development to ensure our business volume(BV.)growth and yours as well. As you can see by now, it's a give and take relationship that makes it work.

Contact Us for live coaching. Every new member is attributed a coach to make your business development  succeed. Come SIGN UP NOW FOR A FREE LIVE COACH. 

 In this case you get 2 coaches because we are 2 partners under the same business.  This makes us twice available for you and it makes us generate twice as many leads under the same home based business.

We didn't have much money at the beginning. So we gathered our money to be able to start a golden opportunity that turns out to be one of the best sellers of the world by the way: The energy drink business.

A.C.T. prefers to compensate those who use, love and spread the word then compensate a marketing company that doesn't even care for their products and over charge. 

The quality of follow ups builds rapport between one another makes a network strong and long lasting due to the relationhsip and trust that is build over time.

Teaching and replicating what we know and showing others what we see, is how civilisation evolved because  it's has been the human way since the beginning of time.

Nothing sells more then humanity. Nothing sells more then health because it is related to life. Nothing sells more then life because related to humanity. Nothing sells more then hunanity because this is who we are... and this why 55 million peole, like you, work from home using direct Sales as a career. Selling highly DEMANDED products that most people use daily in a network can only grow as you probably realised by now.

I realise now, that I want to feel free and liberated as I live life doing what I want to do. I don't necessarely want to have more time on my hands but I like to be able to manage my own schedule so I can live all the moments that life brings me that most people don't get to live simply because they work on a fixated schedule.

As for other people, they might have recently lost their jobs and want to build a strong income while perhaps some just need to make an extra income now, so they can be happy and in a good, relaxed state of mind later, knowing that financially speacking eveything is alright because the decison of starting a Act home base business is what you choose to do to get that freedom.

Now is the time to build for later. Social networks gives that to self employed people like me. I get to choose when you want to work , with who you want to work. Direct selling isn't the futur... it's the present and it's now.

The liberty this gives me is worth gold because I can take my decisions regarding my business and I allow myself that power and position.

I don't know if you feel the same way about it, but imagine in a year from now what networking online and in person will bring you.

Picture how many leads you will have found on internet, in your social networks and your local surroundings. What's fun about this M.L.M. business is that you can do it at your own pace as it grows and grows. Remember the graphic about multiplicity.

This is how any comapany in the world grows. By having the provider ship to a distribution center that is then delivered in stores to finally end up in the hands of the population.And this is why A.C.T. allows you to grow your business the same exact way. It's a win win situation.                         

I wonder who will be the first to... realise you are a  A.C.T. distributor after you sign up and get started. Take a second to see it your mind so you can feel what reaching for The Gold truly feels like. Pack it up, time to A.C.T. !

There are alot of people out there, like you, who want to work from home. It's common sense. And it's only human to want to live this desire you have. All you need to do is find those leads by generating leads. At the same time, some people will just wanna be regular consuming clients. That pays alot as well.  Now it is up to you to decide if you want me to teach you one on one by e-mail and live support how to build your business. 

It's free to ask questions and this is how you will allow yourself to have a clean start as a new A.C.T. representative. So if you need advice please do not hesitate to contact me by clicking Here and you may perhaps be curious about what I have to offer  Here  on my official website. Take the opportunity and reach for The Gold.


Valérie Miyamoto, and Michel Sirois, Authors of this article and Authorised A.C.T. Dealer and distributor.

