Saturday, July 2, 2011



Eric Caprarese

Eric Caprarese

Hi, my name is Eric Caprarese and I started with DrinkACT part-time from my one bedroom apartment, while I worked a full time J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) during the day. My motivation ultimately came from desperation of wanting a better life for myself and my kids, and I knew that for things to change, I had to change. One year later, there are days when I earn more money than what I used to earn in an entire month! It's all because ACT™ drinks truly sell themselves!

Paul Kroto

Paul Kroto

Paul Kroto holds a Masters Degree in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology as well as being certified by both The American College of Sports Medicine as a Health and Fitness Instructor and Certified By The National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). After graduating from college, Paul quickly learned that he would never become wealthy working for someone else so at the young age of 24 Paul decided to quit his day J.O.B. and work at home full-time building his own business. Paul quickly became a top income earner in 2 different companies before partnering with DrinkACT in June of 2007. Starting from scratch, Paul became a Diamond Director at DrinkACT in just 5 short months simply by sharing the product with people. Paul’s mission is to help people become both healthy and wealthy by influencing them to use the DrinkACT products, Share the DrinkACT Plan, and Teach others how to do the same.

Dave Byers

Dave Byers

I began working part time, while being a full time stay at home dad with both of my kids still in diapers, and living 30 minutes from the closest town. I began sending out samples of our ACT drink and within 6 months I was earning more than my wife was making at her government full time job. I brought my wife home where she is now a full time home school mom. We are able to spend the summers at our lake place in northern Minnesota, and this business allows us to go where we want, when we want, and stay as long as we want, as this business is totally portable. All I need is my laptop and my cell phone and samples to share. I love the fact that I can work this simple business wherever we go, and the products and the prices sell themselves.. This business is built for the masses!

Brett Moore

Brett Moore

When I got involved with Drink ACT I was looking for a home based business to make more money. I was looking for a company with consumable products that gave instant gratification and results. I was also looking for a fair compensation plan. Drink ACT had both, great consumable products and a non flushing binary compensation plan that is very fair to the person willing to work their business. I also wanted a management team that had distribution experience, Steve Wallach, our CEO, had walked the same road I am walking, I know he cares for us all. At that point I made a decision that Drink ACT was for me and connected with Eric Capraese. We have since become friends and business partners. In a short time we have developed a great team that is growing all over the world just because of great products, a fair compensation plan, wonderful management team, and a great up-line and down-line.
Thank you Drink ACT

Tom and Denice Chenault

Tom and Denice Chenault

As a career network marketer for over 20 years I have seen more companies and comp plans than I care to admit. And I have been a died in the wool Unilevel man the entire time. When I started in DrinkACT I was completely clueless as to what to do and as to what would happen. To my surprise and amazement I started receiving checks…big checks...almost immediately. I just did what they told on the left, one on the right and help them build…and build it has! I have only one regret at this point…that I did not engage in DrinkACT earlier! It is the perfect business model...Dr. Charles King was right! And it is moving faster than any program I have ever been involved with and I will never knock the binary pay plan again! Thank you DRINK ACT!

If you want to build success then Contact Us here and we will assist you and coach you throhuout the way... FOR FREE.
